Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Do brands need sidekicks?

We have all solved riddles at one time or another for pleasure or as a test of our intelligence. I remembered one while watching a movie, “Make this line shorter without erasing it.”. The simple solution is to simply draw a line longer than the one that exists. It is all relative, long, short, big and small, all adjectives are a relative assessment of one thing over the other.

Products often share several similar traits it is the relative assessment across attributes that results in a hierarchy of the good, better, best. The choices also create a clutter across consumer offerings, but it is only relative to the next product that makes a product better than the next. Every product is great by itself, it is only with reference to the next product that it is gets better or worse. Products need companions and competition to fade or shine, without a ‘sidekick’ products can’t hit its full potential.

Products need liberation! The liberation from the proverbial ‘sidekick’, the kind of liberation where one does not depend on another product to achieve its full potential. It is not to say that emotions are not relative, they surely rank order based on people, their psychology, behavior and attitudes but now the basis for measure of relative value is not another product or attribute but this one is in a new domain and a whole new dimension. One that is out of the labs where products are created and in a world of emotions and values. From the tangible to the intangible.

There is no doubt, Liberation is a great feeling!