Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Lux & Candela of focus

I was in the attic over the weekend, never a fun place for me but you got to do what you got to do. The best part this time was an insight I had that inspired this essay. There are many reasons I hate the attic, a low ceiling, limited space to move, big storage boxes that make life difficult to maneuver, too hot or too cold depending on the season and the worst limited lighting. Each time we go up there we get there with a flash light or a torch as some English speaking readers call it. It is funny how plentiful light or the lack of it can bring knowledge?

While up in the attic and fumbling around I was reminded of high school physics concepts of the umbra and the penumbra. It is the shadow from complete obstruction or partial obstruction of emitting light. The annoyance of the shadows in the attic got me thinking about focus and strategy. As I raised the flash light in my hands the spread was wider that is to say the many more boxes and objects in the attic were visible from its luminosity but it did not help make the details clear on the flip side when I brought the flash light closer to an individual box it became clear while everything else went into darkness.

The philosophical nature of the lighting in the attic made me realize the power of horizon based strategy and planning.

Lux and Candela are the measure of luminosity of light.