Monday, January 19, 2009

A Dimensional View of Experiential Marketing -

Interesting article in Experiential Marketing, but the question remains:

  • Is it all about Experiences?
  • What happens to the traditional channels of awareness building?
  • Is more the merrier, where and how to prioritize?
Top line from the article:
  • Keeping the message consistent is challenging, particularly across sales teams, channel partners, online and offline venues, and sometimes over long sales cycles.
  • Today customers expect to interact with products in such a manner as to reveal their behavior, features and advantages.
  • Interactivity is a bi-directional process involving the actions of one participant, and the responses to those actions, in a continuous feedback loop. (Think of an interactive experience as a conversation. Action equals reaction.)
  • Interactivity is a key ingredient in building an emotional connection between a customer and a product.
  • Digital focus:
  • Delivering realism: making the digital product look as close to the actual product as possible
  • Mimicking behavior: making the digital product behave in the same way the actual product does (e.g., doors open, batteries are removed)
  • Maximizing performance: making the digital product experience fluid and natural