Friday, May 26, 2006


I started developing and submitting ideas for new and innovative products long before I ever thought market them someday. My ideation was so rampant and I can share some long stories. The first time I ever interviewed for a marketing position the brand manager asked me how I get these ideas, I thought for a moment and sputtered… the environment and he said what does that mean. I said seriously everything around me inspires a thought, the thought leads to an idea, the idea leads to a solution and the solution is often the product.

He asked me for an example and I said last evening I was listening to NPR on my drive back, a segment on the show inspired a thought into a product. Obviously not every product is viable and not every idea is pragmatic but if you leave the windows and doors to a room open you are bound to have a drift of a sweet fragrant flower flowing through at some point or the other?

The fundamental challenge is to open these windows to our minds and souls! We are often caught up in our own self and never disengage to experience, enjoy and analyze the ambience around us. The joy of experience is inspiration itself.