During each interview I have conducted I have always wondered how I knew if the candidate across from me would fit and thrive in the culture. I have asked that question to myself as a candidate, “would I fit in this culture”? My answers have been often vague, incoherent and not cohesive.
One hour is not enough to know a person let alone to bring some one into your family. All background checks apart there is a lot of a person than where they have been and what they may have done? I am sure we all agree. We would not have been a nation with a 50% divorce rate if that was not half as true. All said and done during a recent conversation I had an epiphany. It seemed apt to mention it in an essay.
Each of us has different responses to different events and episodes, of course we are unique! We are all diverse we think and we act different, it is who we are and it is our personality. That being said I believe we process things on two planes – logical and emotional. Given the binary choice one comes first and the second must follow. Also not one is right in its entirety. It is this sequencing of choices in context of the challenge we are trying to resolve that defines who we are and how we fit within a symphony.
The logical portion of the assessment always results in the same answer independent of who we are and where we come from as long as we provide the same inputs, the beauty of math (I have to add that on account of my analytical background)… the inputs we provide do vary based on whether we have emotionally processed the facts or not (remember the sequencing piece?) our emotional energy varies and is a function of all that is around us not excluding us. So by deduction, fit is emotional energy. That still does not answer the question on how to measure it. Guess I need to think further?
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Cultural fit to me is a match in emotional energy
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Thursday, September 28, 2006
Cultural fit,
Neil Bhandar,