The Good | The Bad |
o Open to new ideas! Open to change! | o Conflicting performance measures across disciplines resulting in overall chaos across the system |
o The opportunity is NOW! I guess the size of the population to affect something | o Need for greater organization, most things operate as islands unto themselves |
o Everything is a social process, strong support system. Guess the joint family extends far & beyond | o Overly complex systems, it is no surprise every western company invested in |
o Institutions that work! Financial, Taxation, Post, Logistical, Information & Media, etc. | o Lack of originality, resulting in a lot of “Monkey see Monkey do” |
o Faith based system with a strong culture | o Negative motivation works! The system perpetuates delivery against the fear of punishment |
o | o Lack of overall trust & fear of the next person... everyone for themselves resulting in competitiveness |
I just added the 11th.