Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Commoditize your customer's behavior

Don't get me wrong I am not implying we stop valuing our customers but develop a model for INNOVATION.

I remember the most valuable advice I ever received from an old manager was to make my work obsolete, SERIOUSLY! The logic was to develop talent along the way identify opportunities to outsource any work that lacks the need for creative thinking and sensitivity. Over time I would be left with nothing to do but move up the chain of command or rather the corporate value chain. He suggested I set myself a 15% target for each year, the worst case scenario would be a promotion in no more than 5-6 years.

What if as marketers we did the same thing with our customers? Developed solutions for our customers everyday needs and behaviors, we could potentially harness their everyday needs as we integrate forward and uncover new opportunities to innovate. Every new solution could in itself lead to the next innovation creating a spirally of opportunities a value prop waiting to be presented with commercial viability.