Monday, June 04, 2007


Give 'em Something to Talk About - Only from FastCompany By Chip and Dan Heath of Made to Stick

Fostering the conversation you want customers to have about your products should be an explicit part of product development.

  1. The Doughnut
    Voodoo Doughnut in Portland, Oregon, has a cult following because its customers want to tell their friends about goodies such as glazed doughnuts rolled in Crunch Berries cereal.

  2. The Smoothie
    How many people talk about their smoothie purchases? If the smoothie is wearing a wool cap knitted by a grandmother, they will.

  3. The Policy
    Zipcar's policies create a conversation-worthy experience: Renters pay by the hour, gas and insurance are included, and the company doesn't charge for such amenities as satellite radio.