Monday, January 29, 2007

Brand re-launch/restage ↔ Image rehab

Heard a piece on NPR this afternoon about celebrities and their verbal/vocal ‘Faux Pas’, and the need for Image Rehab. The segment sparked a thought in my mind about Brand relaunch and Brand restages. Are we talking about anything different?

American Home Products to Wyeth
Consolidated Foods to Sara Lee

I have a number of those and then there is the positioning piece with and without name associations?

Porsche in the Volkswagen family
Hidden Valley Ranch from Clorox

Brands take years to build and endless effort to maintain, yet in today’s day and age the clutter makes it so much easier to rebuild an image. ‘Out of sight is out of mind’, applies to bad news as much as it does to brand perceptions…

Brands have a greater need for makeovers than most teenagers as they find the next opportunity to differentiate themselves.