A couple years ago some one told me people/individuals divorce people not organizations. I took the argument at face value, only recently did I take the time to think about what it really meant?
Culture is a very important element of any organization. It is what binds people together, but culture is not empty offices, cubes, buildings either, it is the people that dwell within. That is not to say hence by the Induction Principle (from algebra), Culture is the people in the organization.
In real life two married people will get divorced but often end up remarrying other people. These folks have surely not given up on the institution of marriage, instead on the individual and the families that they associate through the pervious marriage. The same applies to most corporate citizens. People transition in and out of organizations all the time but more often than you think it has more to do with the people they work with than the organization. A good manager and a strong leader will find the right match within a team that leverages each individual’s strengths while being adaptable to accommodate each and everyone’s uniqueness.
There are certainly many exits from corporate relationships. “Right Sizing”, “slow rabbits”, “Late Kate”, those are how I have identified them.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
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Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Neil Bhandar