Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Squeezing the lemon

I think hiring is by far the most difficult task in ones career? In my personal experience I have found it to be more difficult than making multi million dollar and sometimes multi billion dollar choices for corporations. It is not just identifying the candidate, but asking them the right questions, evaluating their responses and finally making the critical ‘go’, ‘no go’ decisions on the right cultural fit, right skill set, the right attitude, the energy, passion and much more. Yet another element of challenge is the urge to satisfy a short term business need or developing a leader.

I remember hearing staggering statistics on investments organizations make in developing leaders that way too often result in a regretted loss to another organization worse yet to a competitor and yet that’s not the worst scenario… try inheriting a dysfunctional team and misfit individuals only to be told ‘it is what it is’, now work it out. I call it, ‘Squeezing the lemon’. Talk about tough calls!

Alls not lost though, there is hope. I have always believed, ‘until there is hope there is life’. Squeezing the lemon is tough, but with a positive attitude and a passion to succeed there is a way. Here is what I have found works.

  • Partner at every level with the team/members and their bosses
  • Train the team, even if they don’t see any immediate value
  • Keep trying, trying, trying and trying to show them the light
  • Provide specific solutions not constructs
  • Communicate to build trust
  • If nothing else works make a firm, decisive and clear impression by firing the trouble makers/misfits!