Sunday, April 15, 2007

Emotional Intelligence

The article brings to light timeless and transcendent values that extend from the playground to the boardroom.

  • Self-awareness
  • Empathy and social skills
  • Feedback and open communication
From the Playground to the Boardroom: The Importance of Emotional Intelligence

Grace Andrews, the author of the article and an executive coach refers to Daniel Goleman as a valuable resource:
  • Self-Awareness: knowing one's internal states, preferences, resources, and intuitions and having the willingness to share them.
  • Self-Regulation: managing one's internal states, impulses and resources, and taking responsibility for said.
  • Motivation: ability and emotional tendency to inspire, guide or facilitate the reaching of goals.
  • Empathy: awareness of others' feelings, needs and concerns.
  • Social Skills: adeptness at effecting change through listening and communication; openly communicating and nurturing relationships.