Monday, April 16, 2007

Martha Rules!!

Martha has always impressed me tremendously with her elegance, her creativity and her style. The Alderson Federal Prison experience has only made her stronger and better.

Martha Rules is a MBA in as few as 196 pages. Written in the classic Martha style - Simple(Everyday), Lucid and Original!

The Martha Rules:
1 What's passion got to do with it?
2 Ask yourself, what's the big idea?
3 Get a telescope, a wide-angle lens, and a microscope
4 Teach so you can learn
5 All dressed up and ready to grow
6 Quality is everyday
7 Build an A-team
8 So the pie isn't perfect? : cut it into wedges
9 Take risks, not chances
10 Make it beautiful

The part I find most inspiring is her ability to reinvent herself from a Model to a Wall Street Broker to a Caterer to Entrepreneur and now a phenomenal Coach!