Tuesday, May 30, 2006


A long time manager once told me it takes 15 positive actions to erase 1 negative action to turn around a dissatisfied employee. I am a believer in Dr. Covey and agree in creating and depositing into an emotional bank account before making any withdrawal. When I heard the 15/1 leverage I could not disagree.

As a marketer first and foremost I market, “Brand Me”. I know my equity and I communicate. I build on my equity and I leverage. Years ago I read it takes as may as five repetitions to convey your point across to your customers/consumers.

Some times thought it seems like we over communicate. I agree numbers don’t speak for themselves… you need to fill the gaps, but I often feel like people begin by trying to fill those gaps and become the document. The most classic is evaluations and assessments. Measurements and metrics become secondary and the subjective interpretations of the criteria and alignment with strategy take center stage.

Burnt once fifteen times shy... guess I need to be hit 75 (5*15) times before I see the value?