Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Two interesting articles

Simplicity isn't simple - Doug Sundheim

Doug's filter to identify the top 3 focus area.
1. Write down your objectives for the next year.
2. Identify the 3-5 primary buckets in which you spend your day (might be Admin, Development, Production, & Personal for instance).
3. Write down active tasks in each bucket.
4. Prioritize each list.
5. Consult your objectives and pick the top 3 tasks across all buckets.
6. Each day bring yourself back to them when you get off course.
7. Repeat steps 3-6 daily.

There is no alternative to being prepared: Don't Leave Home Without Your Tools - Wendy Marx

The next time you attend a meeting bring your game plan: Here are a few tips to help make you a better player:
• Think ahead. What is your client likely to ask you? What will he or she want to know?
• Bring alternatives. Don’t be a “One Note Charlie.” Instead, think about a number of ways to help your client or prospect and be prepared to present another scenario if one gets shot down…or two…or three gets shot down.
• Be flexible. If your client or prospect isn’t responsive, don’t keep repeating the same failing message. Be bold and try something different.