Thursday, May 03, 2007

Generated Wisdom

Its my lucky day!! I love to start the day reading interesting articles, quotes or even ideas that invigorate me. This morning I read three such articles...

I grew in a world where we discussed transition from DATA to INFORMATION to KNOWLEDGE. We have now evolved into transitioning KNOWLEDGE to WISDOM. The new continuum is:


From FastCompany Now - Generated Wisdom by Donna Karlin

  • In many organizations wisdom is generated but not captured.
  • wisdom isn’t captured or catalogued for subsequent teams and future use.
  • Once the consultants leave, the knowledge leaves with them.
  • Think of how much time and money is wasted when you have to start from scratch time and time again.
  • Every retreat, strategy session, project and program should be captured, documented and archived for future use
  • Coach them now and they’ll be ready to hit the floor running if you bring them on board.