Thursday, July 07, 2005

Leaders and Appearance

How often do we see an obese CEO? Or a disabled CEO (Mr. Flynt being exceptions)? I have thought about this a couple times, how important is appearance for a chief executive? Ever tried to watch a couple of our great nations chief executives notice how their hair is immaculate, their stride never changes whether is a news conference or a walk off the Air Force 1, they rarely if at all put on any visible weight. I do remember Teddy Roosevelt was in a wheel chair but it was the time without television and JFK was always upright on TV.

Anyway… back to leaders and appearance, I tried to evaluate on first principles. We love ourselves more than we love anything else! The sooner we realize that the sooner we start investing in ourselves. The right timing combined with right opportunity and plenty of self confidence can catapult one into a leadership position. Loving myself to me means health upkeep, fitness upkeep, mental upkeep and social upkeep, especially with regards to family and friends and finally professional upkeep in terms of networking, networking, networking! With heavy emphasis on visibility in today’s age and time health, fitness take the form of Appearance.

Couple years ago I watched a movie on television, ‘Good Girl’. Jennifer Aniston who is the main character, she makes a comment saying “You don’t dress for the job you have, but for the job you want”. Come to think it makes a lot of sense! I strongly believe that applies to health and fitness as well.