Every the years I felt a gradual stagnation kicking into every role I held, I wondered why? It drove a need to move up the corporate ladder, I pushed myself harder and made it happen in most cases and on other occasions decided to move on. Then recently on my ride to work a concept seeded in my mind… what is it about a new job and a higher role that creates excitement? The image below is the result of that ideation!
The colored triangles represent functions within the organization, they start off with a large base where a lot of the work is hands on. As the individual rises within the hierarchy of the organization their contribution to real hands on work declines but it automatically creates a certain amount of variety in the job (people management, management of budget, etc.) the title adds to the social influence the individual is able to have on his immediate organization and the rest of the company.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Work - Variety & Excitement
Posted by Neil at Thursday, June 15, 2006