Tuesday, June 21, 2005


We are all biased. That does not sound right, does it? But yes, WE ARE ALL BIASED!

We refer to BIAS in various ways: style, personality, approach, etc. Over time I established an evaluation criterion for bias.

When bias has a positive influence we refer to it as CULTURE and negatively influenced bias is referred to PREJUDICE. But guess what a given action may be biased positive in a certain situations and negative in others. Worse yet inaction could also mean a bias! Wow now this gets confusing.

Here is a list of questions I started to think:
- What kinds of biases do we harbor?
- Are our actions biased, positive or negative?
- Is there a gadget to check our bias?
- How about advice to adjust the bias?
- Can/May I test?
- Is there a trend in our behavior to it or is it random noise?
- How often should we test?

No this not from the Frequently Asked Questions of an Omron Equipment site.

So where do I find this Bias-O-Meter?