Sunday, June 26, 2005

The curtains!

We were at a local store buying some curtains for the home when the variety there got me thinking.

The curtain is a fascinating concept when you think of it. The window is open, but one may not be able to see through it? In the classical sense blinds on the window are curtains too… The tinted plastic sheet often stuck on the car window is not much different in that sense then is it?

Anyway, as I sat in a meeting a couple weeks ago I started to think about the mind and psyche of some of the participants in that meeting. The curtain now took on a whole new dimension. The participants all brought to the table their own points of VIEW, perceptions and opinions. The brain and the mind inside these individuals viewing at the presentation through a window with curtains. Throughout the presentation they all asked different questions based on the hue and tint on the glass that represented their experiences and background.

Often through the presentations their expressions changed, some from intrigue to fascination, others to skepticism, yet others to rumination and couple to acceptance. Each of these seemed to be viewing area of the window with the curtains opened or closed.