What is the most important thing in life?
Loaded question! The immediate thought that came to my mind was “The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything” in the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy? The answer given by Deep Thought leads the protagonists on a quest to discover the question which provides the answer. Is 42 the right answer? If so what is the right question?
In any case… what do I believe is the most important thing in life?
Why context? Try and decipher the following tell me what this is all about?
* A seven-day big bang
* Gardens and floods herald the Promised Land
* Laws, wars, and royal decrees
* Songs of praise and crystal gazing
* Jerusalem gets it
* Enter the boss’s son
* Wilderness wanderings
* Signs and wonders, and a donkey ride to the tomb
* Resurgam
What if I told you this was a religious scripture? Surely some got it right?
It’s the Bible (Thanks to DJ Taylor!).
How about the following?
* Ride out storm
* Outlive tyranny
Core Statement
* No flagging
* No failing
Achieving Objectives
* Requires much fighting
+ seas
+ air
+ beaches
+ landing grounds
+ fields
+ streets
+ hills
* No surrendering!
Now what if I said this was an Inspirational War Speech from 1940? Yes you are right Sir Winston Churchill’s speech to The House of Commons, June 4, 1940.
Tarzan English from LOST IN (POWERPOINT) SPACE, Dr. Kirk A. Yost (INFORMS Practitioners Conf 2005, Palm Springs, CA)
Same is true with everything in life. Be it personal relations, conversations, decisions, strategies, etc.
Thursday, June 16, 2005
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Thursday, June 16, 2005
Neil Bhandar