Thursday, June 16, 2005

Did you watch “30 Days” by Morgan Spurlock on the FX network?

The guy is a genius! Imagining a simple idea worth a Million Dollars!

He transformed the way most people think of fast food in the United States today last year. And last night he started a movement.

I took some time this morning to read through the message boards. There were posting criticizing him on his lack of knowledge of the system (Medicaid) and then there were others who spoke of the travesty in their own state.

To me it wasn’t as much about the problem as it was about the show itself.

We know we have a problem but we overlook. We are caught up in our own affairs. Mr. Spurlock has helped us open our mind. More than anything else he has acted different. In today’s world of reality how ‘fanaticism’ he has created a reality series with a cause.

A little too liberal but all for a good reason.